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tv   World News Now  ABC  July 22, 2016 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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this morning, donald trump makes the biggest pitch of his life taking his message of the masses at the finale of the republican national convention. we'll have all the highlights from his biggest moment yet this election season. >> ivanka trump, her father's pride and joy doing the best to soften up his image. we'll see how she manages to balance, family, business, and now being friends with the enemy. >> and new, developing story out of chicago. >> a police officer there hit during a shootout with a suspect. the suspect now dead. we'll hear what led to the deadly encounter. >> and from passing out roses to passing out campaign fliers. bachelor ben is taking his step into politics. we'll have the full story head in "the skinny" on this friday, july 22n
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>> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm diane macedo. >> and kendis gibson. what a big night. let's start with the republican national convention. donald trump was vowing as he has lately to restore law and order and fix all that afflicts this nation. >> trump painted kind of a bleak picture. he slammed hillary clinton and president obama saying their disastrous policies reversed decades of progress against crime and defined clinton's legacy as one of death, destruction, terrorism and weakness. dan harris has more from cleveland. >> reporter: here in cleveland, the extraordinary tableau, donald trump, a businessman and reality star with no political experience, now the republican nominee for president of the united states of america. streamers and balloons inside the hall. fireworks outside. trump's big night began without a fog machine or a chopper landing.
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a kiss to his daughter, ivanka. >> i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> reporter: in his acceptance speech he painted a dark picture of an american beset by threats at home and abroad, and he presented himself as the savior. >> the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon, and i mean very soon, come to an end. beginning on january 20th of 2017, safety will be restored. >> reporter: he doubled down on his signature campaign promise. >> we are going to build a great
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immigration. >> reporter: at this time of national upheaval over race and policing, trump vowed to protect police officers. >> i am the law and order candidate. i will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful, foreign ideology. >> reporter: he also hit clinton hard over her e-mails. >> and when a secretary of state illegally stores her e-mails on a private server, puts our country at risk, lies about it in every different form and faces no consequence, i know that corruption has reached a level like never, ever before in our country.
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>> reporter: toward the end of his lengthy and often relentlessly foreboding speech, trump turned sunnier. >> it is time to show the world that america is back, bigger and better, and stronger than ever before. >> reporter: and then he wrapped up it with a return to his now ubiquitous mantra. >> we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. god bless you and good night. i love you. >> reporter: it was hard to miss the irony of the closing song of the evening "you can't always get what you want". >> and while trump was laying out a litany of problems facing the country, it didn't damper
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the excitement in the room. >> the crowd didn't seem to mind. breaking out in chants of usa and build that wall. marci gonzalez has the latest from cleveland. marci, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> we watched it on tv. you could kind of get a sense of the energy. i was following your twitter. i noticed you were there in the arena itself. how did it play? >> reporter: yeah. i think the energy matched what you saw on tv. people in the crowd here who were energized and enthusiastic. another chant was yes, you will, when he made promises of what he'll do as president. he got really big reactions when he talked about police and the military and creating jobs. all very big reactions, and there was a quote. he said that he was going to make america bigger, better, and stronger than ever before, and he got a standing ovation at that point. >> and marci, we saw him get interrupted by a protester today.
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what was the scene like in terms of protests in general in the final day of convention. >> reporter: we'll talk about the protests outside. that was a very big concern. that's something police have been preparing for for more than a year, putting up fences and barricades. they had about 2500 officers on patrol, and while there were some protests yesterday, they all remained peaceful. there were no arrests. at one of the protests, our team said there were more media and police than there were demonstrators. as for the protester you mentioned inside of the arena, it was someone from a group called code pink. they were behind some of the other interruptions at some of the other events this week. that woman was holding up a banner that said build bridges, not walls. she held onto the edge, resisting being taken away. donald trump paused for a moment
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because there was a lot of commotion at this point, and then he said -- how great are our police? how great is cleveland, and the crowd went wild, and, again, he got another standing ovation at that point. >> it's almost like he was prepared with exactly what to say at that moment. >> i think he was, and bravo to the cleveland police department for keeping things safe throughout the week. coming up in this half hour, much more from cleveland including new reaction about ivanka trump's speech. the other major story, the heat scorching the nation from coast to coast. more than 100 million americans sweltering under temperatures of 95 degrees to over 100. >> the conditions are intensifying for anyone working outside where the heat index could climb to 115 degrees in some places. there are advisories and watches and warnings in effect almost everywhere. when will the heat dome, as it's
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>> paul williams joining us now. he's been following it. good morning, paul. >> we want answers, paul. >> good morning to you as well. this is how serious this heat will be. as you take a look at this map, the darker red indicating that's where we'll feel between 100 and 115. in chicago, as warm as 115. cincinnati, as warm as 105, and philly as well as new york, it's going to get as warm as 100, and even in maine, expecting it to at least reach 95 for the real feel. this moisture shows you a sticky situation for everybody. where you see green, it's oppressive. kendis, diane. >> thanks, paul. the u.s. coalition allies wrapped up talks on isis. they say this is a key moment despite recent attacks like the one in niece.
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june -- regarding the attack in nice, french officials have arrested five people. four men and a woman are charged for provide ing logistical information to the driver. the attack had been planned for months. 84 people were killed during that. a chicago police officer injured in a shooting. the officer and a partner approached they said was acting erratically in a park. they asked the man to end his cell phone conversation so they could talk with him. the man then pulled out a gun and started firing. the officers returned fire, killing the man. the officer who was shot is expected to be okay. and it was an emotional scene at a hospital in baton rouge, louisiana, as an officer injured in last sunday's attack left to go home. hundreds turned out to support east baton rouge, sheriff's deputy bruce simmons. he was saluted as wheeled out to a waiting vehicle. since being injured he's had two surg
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repair for his shoulder and elbow. >> two other officers were injured in that attack. >> it was one of the most anticipated speeches of the republican national convention. so how did ivanka trump do, becoming her dad's biggest cheer leader. we'll tell you what she said to made the crowd go wild. >> and ghost busters star,lessly jones, she's back on twitter. what was behind her decision to return coming up in "the skinny." you're watching "world news now." >> "world news now" weather, brought to you by vista print. "world news now" weather, brought to you by vista print.
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♪ >> to cleveland for a good job this week there, and ivanka was the fourth and final speech by one of donald trump's children at the republican national convention, and for both fans on the convention floor and watching on tv, ivanka did not disappoint. >> she described her father as a political outsider who will fight for his country and joining us with more on that speech, adrienne bankert. what did you think were the big moments? >> ivanka trump has been described as his secret weapon. he even joked she would be a great vice president. a rousing speech with a appeal to women. young voters, and many who haven't felt a part of either party. >> like many of my fellow millennials, i don't consider myself republican or democrat. more than party affiliation, i
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right for my family and for my country. >> she walked out to the song, "here comes the sun". this favorite admitted she was nervous and had not talked to her dad about what she was say. she was told to speak from her heart. people asked for more, complimenting her optimism. she made a strong case, again, for the ladies. democrats chiming in he was speaking more to the opposition's fan base, that maybe she confuses for the dnc. ivanka getting a shout out during her dad's speech. and her relationship with chelsea clinton has been in the news. ivanka has not commented on the relationship lately. she's focussed on the race to the white house. >> some of the comments about equal pay, equal work and affordable child care for women and family, what's the reception? does it seem like that's an appeal for the moderates?
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you know what i mean? on both sides. the republicans and democrats both say this is great. >> she got applause. >> some of the best applause of the night was when she was talking about this and how her father is a leader in making sure women get the same pay as men. i'll talk about that coming up. >> you can't help but think she's a future political star, and don junior as well, when you saw them on stage. when we come back, why "ghostbusters" star leslie jones is back on twitter. >> and what michelle obama that has rapper, missy elliott pinching herself, for real. "the skinny" is next. issy elliott pinching herself, for real. "the skinny" is next.
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♪ ♪ so it is skinny time. we're getting started with an upstate to a story we've been talking about since yesterday morning. >> usually we talk about breakups. today is a reunion. leslie jones quit twitter earlier this week after she was bullied by a stream of racist and vile tweets. >> many of her fans and colleagues rallied in her support, including the director of the movie who created the hash tag, love for leslie j. >> well, the love paid off.
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tweeting out yesterday, a blank thought she could stay away, but who else is going to live tweet "game of thrones". >> she tweeted thanks for the love and support. that received. it made me feel real special. >> and chrissy teigen is calling on doing more to protect users from hate speech. and next, the word of the reality tv star now running for political office. >> somebody jack is familiar with, 28-year-old higgens, is running for the colorado general assembly as a republican. >> he just joined the republican party in january. he faces an uphill battle. running as a republican in a heavily democratic district against an incumbent who was sentenced to a year's probation for a dui. >> it comes once m
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reality tv with his soon to be wife, lauren, starring in ben and lauren, happily ever after. >> it will focus on their new life as they plan their wedding and perhaps his campaign. next, to one of the biggest viral hits of the week. >> many of you have seen michelle obama's car pool karaoke with james corden and rapper missy elliott. did you notice this line particularly well timed in the wake of miss obama's words being reappropriated this week? >> holla. ain't no stopping me. >> don't copy me. and you all do it -- and you all can't come close to me. i know you feel me now. i know you with me now. >> he's awesome. >> james has the most soul in the car. >> but missy elliott is so into it. >> she's so excited. >> i love how excited she is.
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>> this is great. mrs. obama knew all the words, and missy said she was touched that the first lady knew the words and she's pinching herself for real. missy be putting it down. i don't think i've ever seen a first lady -- >> rap to missy elliott? >> yes. >> first time for everything, and today is the big day for elena of avalor. >> she is not just any disney princess. she will be the first latina princess. >> and unlike most happily ever princesses, elena will not have a love interest. she will very much be her own hero. >> a 28-year-old aimee carrero will be the voice of elena. and she says it's elena's independence that drew her to the character. she says the message for young girls and boys is to find yourself and find your place in the world before trying to find
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>> it premiers tonight at 7:00 p.m., disney channel.
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well, it's been another week of headlines led by more police officers shot to death in the line of duty. >> with the events inside and outside the republican national convention, also dominated the headlines. here, our weekly friday rewind. >> fired, shots fired, officer down. got a city officer down. shots fired. >> i'm hit. >> i've been involved in law enforcement for over 30 years. i have never seen an environment this dangerous and this polarized as it relates to police in this country. >> we as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against law enforcement. >> bluli
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>> he is not intimidated by the world, and donald trump, this good man, i believe will be a great president of the united states. >> i love what he just said. >> i haven't slept a night through since donald trump announced for president, because i believe he is so insecure, so easily provoked. >> our children. >> because we want our children in this nation to know. >> the only limits are the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and the willingness to work hard for him. >> and your willingness to work for them. >> you weren't bothered? >> i saw pretty common words. there was no novel thought. >> dad, you taught us by example. now are my hero. you are my best friend. >> it is time to come together and make sure that donald trump is the next president of the united states. >> what can i do? what can i do to stop this dangerous divisive candidate
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of the white house? >> if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscious. >> i accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states of america. very eventful week for us. >> hard to believe. it's been an eventful summer. and donald trump is planning an event in cleveland. >> and someone is planning something too. hillary clinton is expected to announce her vice presidential running mate. >> and the dnc is next week also. >> the dnc kicks off on monday in philadelphia. >> coming up, more news from abc. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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two decades.
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making news in america this morning, the nominee, donald trump, makes it official accepting the gop presidential nomination. the billionaire businessman laying out his core message. >> nobody knows the system better than me, which is why i alone can fix it. >> his plan for america in one of the longest convention speeches ever, but the night not without controversy. we're live in cleveland. breaking overnight a brush fire spreads to a poe tell creating a massive blaze. guests inside were forced to evacuate for their safety. we have new video just in. and the heat dome dominating the country on the move scorching temperatures for most of the nation where triple-digit heat is expected this weekend.


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